This clinic sees patients who may be severely immunocompromised and at higher risk of severe symptoms if they contract infections. The following policies are in place to keep all patients and staff as safe as possible.

  • Fitted face masks must be worn in the clinic unless a valid medical exemption applies.
  • Patients must not attend the clinic in person if they have had a positive COVID result in the past 7 days or are a close contact of a positive case.
  • Where possible we ask that only the patient attend the appointment.
  • If you have any new onset symptoms including SOB, cough, sore throat, fevers or chills or loss of sense of smell or taste we ask that your appointment be conducted remotely via Telehealth. If physical testing is required, it can be organised at a review appointment when you are well.
  • If you feel that your appointment would be better conducted as a Telehealth appointment please contact the clinic on 03 9328 4573 and you will be sent the information for a video consult.
  • Melbourne allergy clinic

    Specialist diagnosis and treatment of allergic disease, asthma and immune deficiencies.


Allergy Testing Melbourne

As well as offering allergy skin testing, we provide our expert opinion on conditions such as rhinitis, asthma, anaphylaxis, food allergy, hay fever, stinging insect allergy, urticaria and angioedema and immunodeficiency.


Allergy Specialist Melbourne

Clinic founders Prof Jo Douglass and Dr Celia Zubrinich are actively involved in ground breaking research together with colleagues from the Royal Melbourne Hospital, The Alfred, the University of Melbourne and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.

Allergy telehealth consultations

Allergy Telehealth Consultations

Our clinic offers online telehealth consultations which are Medicare billable for all eligible patients.
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Please note that we do not see patients below the age of 14 years.


Level 1, Suite 123
Chelsea House
55 Flemington Road
North Melbourne VIC 3051

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FAX:  03 9326 8444

  03 9328 4573

  03 9326 8444
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